Engagement Love | Few little quotes
I love two People in Love ....check out this amazing couple! We had so much fun in this session they are just so sweet! Thankful for sweet clients!!! Love Love how these turned out!!!
Become aware of all that is possible
There is no need to have to prove anything to anyone else
If you wish for a thing and don't get it, try working for it
mistakes are the portal of discovery
There is nothing we cant live down,rise above,
or overcome
Never give up on what you really want to do you only have a few precious years on this earth live them as you see fit not as the world does.
fix the mind before you fix the body
timing is everything
life teaches us the same lessons over again until we learn them
Take the first step of the journey of a thousand miles
play your cards right
you got to know when to hold um know when to fold um
no one can tell u who u are
anything is possible if you want it bad enough
find ur purpose
a solved problem should no longer bother you
A friends success should not make you feel like a failure
take advantage of all the opportunities that are presented to you
Act the part and you will become the part
We are sometimes taken into troubled waters not to drown,but to be cleansed
something ordinary in the past becomes valuable in the future
always tell your friends and family you love them it may be the last time you speak.
be humble and patient
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