All photos copyright 2011 Mary Davis Photography. Powered by Blogger.


Fashion Croquis, Color & Twenty Things I Love...

Many moons ago I took a fashion design class and absolutely loved it! I loved working with color & patterns it was really fun & inspiring!Below is a few of my fabulous"designs" (don't judge me) lol :"}
Don't you love my croquis sketches?
Croquis drawing is quick and sketchy drawing of a live model. Croquis drawings are usually made in a few minutes, after which the model changes pose and another croquis is drawn.
Croquis drawings can then be used as a foundation for another work of art such as a painting or may be used as a work of art itself.

~The word croquis comes from French and means simply "sketch".

Cheers to fashion!


Vintage Diamonds & Moss...Must be one of Twenty things I love....

{Vintage Diamonds & Moss}

I love anything Vintage.... especially beautiful diamond rings! Who wouldn't?!?!?
I shot these recently.... in the Mountains on the side of a huge water soaked rock,obviously smothered in rich,green,moss!
It looks kinda enchanted doesn't it?


Sunrise, the edge of the earth & Twenty Things I Love...

Ocean + Sunrise = Bliss

& One more Thing I Love.....from "Twenty things I Love"

{Ocean Sunrise}

My parents always took us everywhere as kids,one of my favorite places had to be the Ocean! I used to think that because I couldn't see anything past the Ocean that it quite possibly was the edge of the earth....ridiculous..... I know :} LOL...

I love the sound of the ocean,the waves crashing on shore,& the most spectacular sunrises ever!


Pure Bliss,Unique Adventures, & Twenty things I love....

                                  Pure Bliss + Unique adventure = {The Mountains of Shenandoah}

Which brings me to one more thing from "Twenty Things I Love"

{The Mountains of Shenandoah}

For my birthday back in 2008? maybe earlier...Eric surprised me and took me to a secluded cabin in the mountains.
 It was the most romantic cabin ever... equipped with a hot tub and balcony outside the top floor master bedroom. The cabin was seated on the top of a very steep mountain just outside of Shenandoah's National Park!
 That is when we both fell in Love with Shenandoah. We ended hiking more than 12 miles on our first hiking trip.
Crazy huh?!?!!?
 (we have done all but a few Waterfall hikes)
I have all of our trails documented...somewhere around here!  : 0
I do remember the very first hike we did together was ~Dark Hollow Falls~
  It was incredible!
 I mean spectacular!
If you ever get a chance to pack up and get away for a day this Park  is one of many things I love!!!

Go check it out for yourself!

 I will see you later tonight!!!!


Living, Breathing, Time Machines & Twenty Things I love...

Another "thing" I love...... from "Twenty Things I Love"

 {Tree Stumps}

Yes, you read it right!.... random monogrammed tree stumps (especially with my initials)  :)
I actually found this one while walking along the streets of Las Vegas.... right in front of the Bellagio Hotel. I have always been fascinated with trees.They hold pieces of history & they are a living breathing time machine.....
While I don't condone ruining perfectly beautiful trees, I really love the way this looks....Besides this is about the cleanest thing you will come across walking on the strip!

 (I won't go into what you can come across on the Vegas strip....use your imagination)

 ~ I just love this!

Check out a friend of mine 

and see where this project took her!  :"}


Journals, Dreams & Twenty Things I love....

Okay, today has been filled with a zillion amazing ideas running through my head! I am working on so much at one time.
 My "To Do List" could seriously fill an entire notebook!
I have always kept a journal until about three years ago... I am not sure why I stopped but It got me thinking about things I love and how I would always document them within journals.These journals contain millions of lists of hopes and dreams....and other fun,random stuff :)
Last night I sat in my bed while Eric was sleeping and went through a few of them. It was crazy to see all the contents of them... pages and pages of my life,my art, my  hopes, my dreams. If you know me well you know Eric filled 99% of these pages. LOL :}
It was kinda hard just really seeing myself and who I am. ...Who I thought I was. 
It was sad & happy & entertaining all at the same time.  
I'll elaborate more on this in a later post..... much to much to say in regards to this....

 Anyways....  this brings me to a small project called "Twenty things I love"...
I'll be blogging twenty things I love..... here goes!

One thing I love is.....
{Pine cones}

{Pine cones} are awesome because.... they have amazing texture,color and an unusual shape.
 They are a perfect example of why anything nature is just pure perfection. Oh... also because admittedly I pronounce them "Pine comes" & yes, I always will!  I blame my mother for this she is the worst with pronunciations. Eric is all the time correcting me when I say certain things LOL ;)
  I make sure he hears me pronounce it wrong just to irritate him  ~oh the joys of marriage~  :)


Vintage with a POP of freshness!

The idea of something vintage mixed with a splash of modern was the entire idea behind my "Brand"
Branding.... was the first thing I thought about when I started my business back in 2009.
 I had always collected cameos and vintage pieces... so for me the choice was simple. I was attracted to all things vintage but loved them with a POP of freshness which is how I like my photography.
Several drawings later and brainstorming about what I wanted to represent me and my logo was created! Below is one of my favorite cameos..... You love that saucy green right?!?
 I have cameos in every color...How's that for Inspiration?
Amazing how this seed has really started to grow!

Green is my favorite!

What's the deal with Self doubt?

   Okay , it's 12:30am on Monday night I am far from being sleepy... so I figured why not blog? Blogging is hard for me cause I don't want to cross the line on over sharing! lol... I have to :::::::laugh:::::: that's funny because most of you who know me personally, know I am famous for being an "over shar-er" and I rarely have a "filter" this gets me into trouble  90% of the time:)
Anyways, Blogging is on my "To Do list" & my long ...okay, really long self improvement list. :)
Don't you judge me! ha ha ha  (inside joke)

   I don't consider myself an excellent writer at all.. I have terrible grammar and I misuse punctuation like it's my own made up crazy language. If your reading this ...thank you for trying to follow along:)
I  have really been struggling with how to grow my business especially the blogging part. Don't get me wrong a complete moron can type up a few sentences and post some photos that they took a few days earlier right? I want to be one of those people who actually have something to say.. I want to be able to capture an audience with my photography and writing. This is where for me a photographer makes an impression. I have looked at thousands of blogs, but only a few really strike me, only a few really make me think...make me feel. Those blogs are a piece of someones life, someone that you otherwise would never know. It's a tough thing to really connect with a perfect stranger on an emotional level. I have to commend those of you who can pull it off..and hope and prey that I can one day... this brings me to something I came across that is completely inspiring and so true....I love his wording it's just freaking awesome! So love what you shoot & how you shoot... and forget about keeping up  the Jones's. Be who you are... because no one can do it better than you!

BOOM! :}

Go check this out and be inspired!

* Random picture of the night...well morning.

Eric with clove + iPhone = one happy baby!  ^


               YOU KNOW YOU LOVE IT!


Tea Time


My new obsession is Tea pearls. If you love tea and have never tried these it's a must! I discovered these tea pearls a few years back on one of our many Vegas trips! There is a fabulous spa within Caesars Palace called the Qua Spa go check it out
 The Spa actually has a in-house Tea Sommelier to prepare the tea for you it's awesome!

Take a look at how this tea blooms in your cup.

Jasmine Pearls is Eric's favorite. This hand rolled tea is tossed with jasmine blossoms and is

Tea Pearl = Tea leaves that are hand rolled into a tiny ball or tea pearl. :)


VA | Wedding | portrait Photographer | Giveaway!


One lucky winner will  receive:

*A free Mini Session


*16X20 Canvas Gallery Wrap
  Mary Davis Photography

For your chance to win this bit of goodness just enter!


       1. You must “LIKE” our  FB Fan page:

2. You must “Follow us”on the blog! Scroll to the bottom click on follow!

Ready… on your mark

Get Set…


The Giveaway starts
right now!

This fabulous giveaway ends on Friday, 7/29/11 @ 7pm
You snooze you lose!

VA | Wedding | Portrait Photographer | Personal

 It's hot as Haiti outside right now... I am working on a few projects at the moment. Lots of editing and changing some things up with my website | pricing | blog. 

 I am also working on a few personal goals as well at the moment.
Topping my list are:
  1. Go to the gym everyday for 30 min cardio( I hate cardio).
  2. Blog about something at least five days a week.
  3. Order sample wedding albums for display.
  4. Meet with one vendor a week.
  5. find a way to replace all the siding on our house.
  6. Find a creative way to use the endless random photos I have.
  7. Save for a new lens!                    I have many more things to come!
Follow me through my journey :)  feel free to comment on any of my random posts!

 "Where you invest your love, is where you invest your life"
~ Mumford & Sons

Okay, I have a few random shots  :} for the day.....



VA Wedding Photographer | Inspiration | Pink Lemonade | My Pinterest Board

I have a bad case of the Mondays anyways .....I was having Pink Lemonade the other day dreaming up an amazing styled shoot in my head. I am hoping to find some amazing models to act as the ( Bride & Groom) to help me out with this! I have been working on this idea for several months & I can't wait until everything comes together! I am hoping for a mix of vintage & modern...rustic with tons of candy,cakes,donuts,macaroons,cotton candy....and plenty of color! Lots of glass jars,fun patters,and pink Lemonade!!!
Flowers peonies,yellow poms,& Ranunculus. Either a fun simple cake or a tiered gradient pink or yellow cake. Mason jars or recycled glass jars with pink paper straws,lemons &might throw in lavender....oh my! Streamers,bunting, & rustic details to include a log cake stand or a white vintage mesh of the two. I love a mesh of great details! Check out my Pinterest board to see where I am going with this!

borrowed & blueSanta Barbara Chic Blog » Inspiration BoardsGoogle Image Result for 
create.find.admire:::: The Inspired Bride™ :::: ›Drink Stand - Casual Wedding Ideas - Real Weddings: You'll find charming, invenGoogle Image Result for Image Result for drunk. love. - weddings + lemonade stands = swoon - ACOWLEYSOONTOBE's Pi:::: The Inspired Bride™ :::: › Color Palette: Golden Rod, White, and GrayFinishing Touches: Dessert Trends » The Bride SuiteGoogle Image Result for Image Result for Image Result for Spigot Cruet in the SHOP Décor Tabletop at BHLDNphotobooth « Search Results « Love and Lavendertrendsetting wedding | contemporary inspiration » Ways to Modernize Your Event:Karas Party IdeasPink rock candy    rock candyCotton candy on rock candy stick
Google Image Result for
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Photo credits check out below:
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