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It's Wednesday! | VA,Wedding | Portrait Photographer

I am trying to be better about posting on my blog..... I have had a busy day today! I sent out my first Wedding album for a bride today! Crazy since I shot my first wedding several years ago..I could have never imagined making this a reality.For some reason it's been a emotional day happy but emotional all the same. I have been working around the clock trying to get my hands on everything I can that can help me grow as a photographer.... I think it took me this long to admit .... that I am afraid to fail.....I am afraid if I put everything I have in something and it doesn't work what then? What will everyone think? Why do I care what anyone thinks? I was always the girl who did what I wanted regardless of who liked it. I remember in high school when I dyed my hair pink how many people didn't talk to me or were afraid of me lol. I also remember that time of my life as being the happiest. So what was stopping me from being me?Within the last few couple of months I have battled this question over and over. I know I am a creative person. I know I am a good photographer.What's my problem?
 Why don't I JUST GO FOR IT!
My husband told me over and over.... "Do what you love don't go to a place you hate everyday and be miserable" ....and I thought omg ...he is right...Who cares what his family or my family or anyone thinks?!?
I can do this....if anyone can do this I can....


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