Okay, today has been filled with a zillion amazing ideas running through my head! I am working on so much at one time.
My "To Do List" could seriously fill an entire notebook!
I have always kept a journal until about three years ago... I am not sure why I stopped but It got me thinking about things I love and how I would always document them within journals.These journals contain millions of lists of hopes and dreams....and other fun,random stuff :)
Last night I sat in my bed while Eric was sleeping and went through a few of them. It was crazy to see all the contents of them... pages and pages of my life,my art, my hopes, my dreams. If you know me well you know Eric filled 99% of these pages. LOL :}
It was kinda hard just really seeing myself and who I am. ...Who I thought I was.
It was sad & happy & entertaining all at the same time.
I'll elaborate more on this in a later post..... much to much to say in regards to this....
Anyways.... this brings me to a small project called "Twenty things I love"...
I'll be blogging twenty things I love..... here goes!
One thing I love is.....
{Pine cones}
{Pine cones} are awesome because.... they have amazing texture,color and an unusual shape.
They are a perfect example of why anything nature is just pure perfection. Oh... also because admittedly I pronounce them "Pine comes" & yes, I always will! I blame my mother for this she is the worst with pronunciations. Eric is all the time correcting me when I say certain things LOL ;)
I make sure he hears me pronounce it wrong just to irritate him ~oh the joys of marriage~ :)